biggest mistakes in SEO


SEO is a bit like cooking: you can’t just throw in the ingredients and hope they’ll come out right. Plenty of mistakes can ruin your SEO process, and these are some of the most common ones marketers make:

Poor Content

Poor content is the biggest mistake in SEO. It’s not only bad for your search engine ranking but also hurts your brand.

Poorly written content will make people leave your site and never come back because they can’t find what they are looking for or they don’t want to read through all the fluff. You want to create engaging content that helps solve problems and provides solutions for users so they feel like they got value from reading it.

Keywords are important but don’t overdo it! If every sentence has a keyword stuffed into it, it will be hard for readers (or Google) to understand what you’re trying to say without having read everything beforehand, which defeats the purpose of having keywords in the first place! Make sure that whatever keywords you do use have relevance within the context of the paragraph/sentence/paragraphs being discussed; if not, then consider rephrasing sentences so as not to force-feed readers with information about products/services, etc. rather than allowing them decide-based on quality of writing alone whether or not those particular points apply directly towards helping resolve their needs today.”

Lack of On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is the process of optimizing the content on your website to make it more search-engine friendly. This includes things like keyword research, proper use of headers and subheaders, alt tags for images, internal linking within your site, etc. It’s important to remember that Google cares about how relevant your site is to the keywords people use when searching for something online. If you want to rank well in search engines like Google or Bing (and who doesn’t?), then you need good on-page SEO practices!

To improve your on-page efforts:

  • Use strong keywords throughout your site’s copy
  • Add H1 tags at the beginning of each page’s body text block
  • Put links at the end of each paragraph so readers can easily navigate through different sections

No Internal Linking Strategy

Internal linking is one of the most important aspects of SEO, but many people still don’t use it. This is because it can be hard to understand and implement correctly.

Internal linking is the practice of linking between pages on your own website (i.e., internal) rather than just using links pointing outwards (to other websites).

Why should you care about internal links? Because they help with user experience and search engine optimization!

Using the Wrong Keywords in Titles, H1, and META Descriptions

This is a no-brainer, but it’s worth repeating: use your keywords in the title tag and meta description.

The same goes for using them in the H1 tag.

And while you’re at it, don’t forget to include those same keywords in both the URL and image alt tags!

Keyword stuffing

Keyword stuffing is the practice of placing keywords in your content so that it appears to be more relevant to search engines. It’s considered a black hat SEO technique, which means it can lead to penalties from Google and other search engines if done incorrectly.

You should avoid keyword stuffing at all costs because:

  • Your content will be penalized by Google if you’re caught doing it (which means less traffic)
  • It’s hard for users to read, which makes them less likely to stay on your site

Broken backlinks

Backlinks are a crucial part of your SEO strategy. They help you rank higher in search engines and get more traffic to your site, which means more money for you! But what happens when one of those backlinks breaks? You could lose a lot of traffic, which means less money for you! That’s why it’s important to ensure that all of your backlinks are working properly before they go live on the web. To do this, simply click on “Links” under “Tools” in Google Chrome (or any other browser). Then type in “[your website].com” into the search bar at the top right corner of this page:

Not using H1, H2 and H3 tags

One of the most common mistakes in SEO is not using H1, H2, and H3 tags. These are the headings that help organize your content and make it easier for users to navigate your site. The most important thing to remember about these tags is that they should only be used once per page (if at all). This can be confusing because many sites have multiple pages with one large block of text with several different headings at the top of each page.

This isn’t recommended because search engines will only consider one set of titles when ranking pages in their results pages (they don’t care about what comes after “#” in an URL). So if you have ten pages on your website with different titles but all linking back to one main article on those ten separate pages–you might see some problems when trying to rank well organically!

Lack of navigation

Navigation is an important part of any website. It helps users find what they’re looking for and help your site rank better in search results.

Good navigation should be obvious, easy to use, and consistent throughout your site. It should be logical so that users don’t have to go hunting for the next piece of content on the page or struggle with finding their way back from somewhere else on the site.

Poorly optimized title tags

The title tag is one of the most important elements on your page. It’s what people will see when they search for your content, so it should include all of the keywords that are relevant to your content.

Here’s how to do it right:

  • Use between 2 and 4 words in a title tag. If you have too many words, Google will truncate them and only display part of them in search results (which means less visibility). If you don’t use enough words, Google won’t have enough information about what each result is about–in other words, no one knows why these pages should be ranked higher than any other result!
  • Do not repeat certain phrases within the same title tag; this includes words like “the” and “a.” Instead use synonyms for these terms so that each word has its own meaning within its context on its own page (and not just as part of another word). For example: instead of writing “Dog Breeders,” write something like “Dog Breeder Services” or “Breeders Of Purebred Dogs Near Me.”

The low density of keywords in the content

The use of keywords in the content should be natural and not forced. The use of keywords should be at least 1% of the total number of words. In addition, you can use synonyms or related terms for your target keyword to increase its density in your article.

Not using Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool that helps you find, manage, and optimize your web pages in Google Search. If you’re not using it yet, here are some reasons why you should:

  • It’s important to know how your site is performing in Google Search so that you can make improvements and get more traffic from searches on things like keywords or topics related to what you offer.
  • Google Search Console will help diagnose problems with your website that may be causing it not to rank well in search results–for example: if there are too many broken links on a page or if the content isn’t written properly for search engines (this includes things like having meta descriptions).

Not using the schema markup

Schema markup is a way of adding structured data to your website. It helps search engines understand your content better, which can lead to better rankings in search results. For example, if you have an online store and want to show the price of an item on Google Shopping, schema markup would make that possible.

Schema markup doesn’t directly affect rankings but can help improve them by ensuring that relevant information is displayed in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).

Not using canonical URLs

Canonical URLs are a way to tell search engines which page is the original and which pages are duplicates. They’re very important for SEO because they help reduce duplicate content issues.

Canonical URLs can be used for both internal and external links:

  • Internal link: If you have multiple versions of your site that share the same content (such as “” vs “”), then you should use canonical tags on each page so that Google knows which one is the main version (and thus where it should rank). This way you won’t end up with two pages ranking for the same keyword phrases or, even worse, no results!

Overusing duplicate content

Duplicate content can cause problems for your site, so it’s important to make sure you’re not overusing it. If two pages have the same content, Google will index both pages separately and show each as a separate result when people search for that keyword. This means that if someone clicks on one of those duplicate results and then comes back to your website later (or shares it with friends), they’ll be taken to a different page in their browser than what was originally shown when they clicked on the link from Google’s search results page.

If this happens often enough, it may seem like your site has changed completely! You don’t want this confusion happening – so make sure that any time you create new content based on existing pieces (such as rewriting an old article), use the canonical tag so there is only one version showing up in search engines’ indexes instead of multiple ones.


There are a lot of misconceptions about SEO, and it’s important to know that SEO is not a quick fix. It’s an ongoing process and a long-term investment in your business.

You should also know that SEO isn’t magic–it can’t be done overnight, and it won’t make your website rank number one on Google overnight (unless you’re really lucky).


In the end, it’s important to remember that SEO is not an exact science. It takes time and effort to get your website ranking well in search engines, but if you follow these tips and make sure your site is fully optimized before launching it into the world, then you should be able to avoid many of these mistakes altogether!

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